Friday, August 24, 2007


Wow, hard to believe Jacob is over a week old!! Time has gone by SO FAST!! He is such a good baby. He hardly ever cries. Yesterday he cried once - and that was when he was hungry and getting his diaper changed! He is such a change from our last few babies who cried all the time!

He was back in the hospital for two days because his bilirubin levels were going up, so they had to put him on the lights. It was so sad to see him under there! He had to wear these little goggles, because the light isn't good for your eyes. Here are a few pictures from the past week!

1 week old!

and sooooo tired!!

"the lights"

It was so sad to see him under there! He loves being swaddled tightly, and when he was under the bililights, he didn't have anything on. When he would get fussy, we'd hold onto his hands, and he'd calm right down!


Anonymous said...

He is TOO cute! That's so sad about him having to be under "the lights"! He looks lonely under there.

Anonymous said...

It's really sad that he had to be at the hospital under the lights. One of our friends babies had to have a "billi-blanket" at home for a few days so she didn't have to stay at the hospital.
The one week old pictures are soooo cute! I know! Time goes incredibly fast! Especially when you have a newborn at home.

Anonymous said...

Awww-- CUTE!!! He's such a special little guy!!!
Missin' You Tons!!

Morgan said...

Oh Aliisa, he is such a beautiful boy, but I bet it was very sad to see him under the lights... I bet your family has been enjoying him immensely. :D

Yes, you are welcome to put a link to my blog up on yours...I hope you don't mind if I do the same! Take care, and I will be praying for little Jacob.

JoyAnn said...

Hello Ali,
Wow, a week already?
How adorable little Jacob is, I hope he comes home soon. How wonderful to have a patient baby!
I hope your family does good on their parts for the play!

Ashleigh Baker said...

Aw, poor bebe! He is just precious, though. These pics are making me anxious to hold my new little one... :)

Jessica said...

What a handsome little guy!! :)