Friday, November 3, 2006

Mr. Somebody

Mr. Somebody
Yes, that's me.
You know, I am the one that Everyone
calls in need of assistance or
Someone blames when in trouble.
I hear it a lot, don't you?
"Somebody tie my shoes!"
"Can Somebody feed the dog?"
What's that?
You say you have not seen me before?
I don't see how you could not, but that's
what Everyone says.
So, I am used to it.
Of course, if a person calls for me
Someone gets there before I do.
I do not know why but that is the way it happens.
Well, now that you know me, let me introduce you
to some of my friends.
Someone, No-one, Everyone,
Nobody, Anyone and me Somebody.
It gets confusing here at times,
like when I ask
Everyone if Someone
cleaned the kitchen.
They just said No-One did it,
So somehow it did get done.
Right now though, I need to see if
Anyone fed the dog.
-Mr. Somebody

I'm sure most of you big sisters can relate to this!

Written by JoyAnn Pankratz, printed with permission

Thursday, November 2, 2006

It's finished!

It was difficult functioning when everything from the living room was in the dining room, but it was well worth it!

Elsie was fascinated!

Half of the living room

The other half
(Elizabeth, doesn't it look MUCH nicer?!)

Hang on, Grace, it's slippery!
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New flooring!

Ever since we first moved in here almost three years ago, we've tried to figure out why our landlord put cream colored carpet in the living room of a house he was going to be renting to a family with six children (that was all we had at the time!). We have tried so hard to keep it looking nice, but it just was not possible! So, finally, we convinced our landlord to let us put laminate flooring in! On Friday evening Dad and the boys (with help of the little girls) ripped out the carpeting, and on Saturday carpenters came to install the new floor!!

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Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Horse ride!!

As an early birthday gift, Dad took
me on a trail ride yesterday! It was about an
hour long through woods and fields. We got to
walk, trot and canter! It was sooo much fun!

I LOVE the way my skirt is in this picture,
all spread out behind me.
I didn't even try to make it look like that, and it
turned out great!

Me and my Daddy!
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More fun!

Esther and I
I've always wanted a big sister,
and even though Esther and I are
closer in age than Elizabeth and I, it
was fun to have a "big sister" for a few days!

We played a lot of piano duets!!

Charity, Scott and Phoebe

Mr. & Mrs. Ulmer

We also played football (which was sooo much fun - especially because my team won!), volleyball, went shopping at thrift stores (an interesting experience, right girls?!), toured a dairy barn (another interesting experience) and had a lot of fellowship and fun all around!!

Ulmer Family, I had sooo much fun at your house! You are a GREAT family to be with, and I felt soo much at home with you guys (usually I'm pretty shy around people I don't know very well, but you saw another side of me!). I hope our families can get together sometime SOON!
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More pictures . . . .

Someone must've said something interesting!

We also played a game called "Catch Phrase"
(like Taboo and Hot Potato in one). It was a lot of fun!!

What's so funny, Noah?!

Micah - Moses and Micah treated
me like one of their sisters (which I LOVED!)
and they were like the little brothers I never had!
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