Friday, August 24, 2007


Wow, hard to believe Jacob is over a week old!! Time has gone by SO FAST!! He is such a good baby. He hardly ever cries. Yesterday he cried once - and that was when he was hungry and getting his diaper changed! He is such a change from our last few babies who cried all the time!

He was back in the hospital for two days because his bilirubin levels were going up, so they had to put him on the lights. It was so sad to see him under there! He had to wear these little goggles, because the light isn't good for your eyes. Here are a few pictures from the past week!

1 week old!

and sooooo tired!!

"the lights"

It was so sad to see him under there! He loves being swaddled tightly, and when he was under the bililights, he didn't have anything on. When he would get fussy, we'd hold onto his hands, and he'd calm right down!

Audition resuts . . . . . .

This is a little late, but better late than never, right?! If you've read Aleks's blog, then you would already know that all three of us got parts in the play!!

ALEKS: got the part of a Street Urchin. She has more lines than most of the girls her age, and is very excited!!!

ZACK: actually got 3 parts!! He is Guard #2, Lord #2 and Ruffian #2. Acting comes very natural to him, and he did great as the guard! (at practices we've only done the scene that has him as a guard)

ALIISA: I got the part as Gammar, who is the Pauper's mean grandmother who beats him whenever she isn't sleeping! I was shocked to get this role, because when we were auditioning we each read a part, and when I read Gammar it was awful - or so I thought! At first I wasn't too excited about the part, but yesterday at practice we blocked a couple scenes which I was in and it actually was pretty fun!! Although I'm supposed to be physical and mean, so that may be pretty tough!

Here is a line from each of our parts (I'll only do one from when Zack is the guard):

STREET URCHIN: "He was talkin' all kinds o' craziness, tried to bite me!"

GUARD #2: "Enough with this foolish talk, stay back. The Prince is inside, enjoying the merriment."

GAMMAR: "Aye, a bit dippy in his nippy, ey?"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

INTRODUCING . . . . . . . . . . (drum roll, please!)


He arrived at 3:21pm on August 15th, 2007 weighing 8lbs, 4oz and is 21 inches long. He has big feet, and long fingers!! He is sooo adorable!!!!


Aleks and Emmy waiting anxiously for the arrival of their first baby brother!!!

Our fabulous nurse - Lisa
The funny thing is, Lisa really wanted Jake to be born before her shift was done and he was born 10 minutes before she was done!!

Emmy and Dad - wait was hard!!

Mom and Mrs. Peterson chatting - the Petersons are down visiting, so Mrs. P and her two daughters got to come too!! It was a regular ol' party!

We played cards for a while
l-r: Corie, Emmy, Aleks and Sarah

Hmmm . . . . . . who knows what that picture is all about!!

This picture was taken about 5 MINUTES before he was born - epidurals are amazing!!!

::he's here!!!!!::

8lbs, 4oz

Whew - it's good to be on the other side of things!!

Awwww, he's sucking his thumb!!

His first bath

Here's the best part - we get to hold him!!!!



Mrs. Peterson


Me :)

The "three musketeers!!" - FINALLY another brother!!



Anja absolutely adores Jacob!! This is the first time she saw him, and right away she wanted to hold him!!

I don't have any pictures of the Grace and Elsie with Jacob - our camera battery died. But I'm sure there will be LOTS of baby pictures on here from now on!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Last night Zack, Aleks and I auditioned for the play "The Prince and the Pauper", which is being put on by a homeschool drama group in our area.

The auditions went pretty well. It actually was pretty fun - after a little while!!

The bummer is we won't find out if we got a part until Friday or Saturday!!!

So this week will probably draaaag by . . . . . . unless we have a baby sometime soon!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Birthday girl!!!

Today is Elsie's birthday!!!

This little cutie is 3 today!

The first time Dad held her, she reached up and grabbed his beard!

Aunt Jana and Elsie summer '07

She is getting SOO big!! I love you so much, Elsie!!

Friday, August 3, 2007


Okay, here are a couple posts about Convention, FINALLY!! We have SO many pictures, I did a couple posts.

A little before 7am Saturday morning some friends, Tara & Marissa, came to our house. From here we took our van and met some more friends about 1/2 hour away. Then we all (there were 11 of us at that point) drove another 45 minutes to meet some more friends! From there we took two vehicles: our van and Sammy's suburban down to the Convention. There were 19 people total. We were at Convention till 11PM - LATE NIGHT!!!! (which means most of us didn't get home till at least 1:30am!) We had SO MUCH FUN!! It was a complete BLAST!!


*Hmmm, who is that?!*

*The second vehicle*

*The fabulous van driver!! (just kidding!)*

*Tara - riding shotgun*




*Allison & Marissa*

*Abby & Aleks*


After all that dancing, you get REALLY hungry!! (especially those of us who were too excited to eat - since the day before!) We found a cute spot to eat on campus.

*Libby, Dana, Manda & Megan*

*Lincoln* - I LOVE this picture!



*Cute bridge we ate by*

*Feeding ducks*
It was SO cute!! About 6 ducks came and were almost eating from the girls' hands!!

*Ducks (no kidding!)*

*Another favorite - everyone watching the ducks swim*

*A comfy place to eat?*

*A birds-eye view!*

*Lots of food for lots of people*

*Snapping pictures of unsuspecting victims!*

*Working out a square dance pattern*


*Sammy & I*

*Me, Maria & Allison*

*Marissa & Aleks*



*Megan & Dana*

Many thanks to Megan and Allison, who provided many of these pictures!