Friday, August 24, 2007

Audition resuts . . . . . .

This is a little late, but better late than never, right?! If you've read Aleks's blog, then you would already know that all three of us got parts in the play!!

ALEKS: got the part of a Street Urchin. She has more lines than most of the girls her age, and is very excited!!!

ZACK: actually got 3 parts!! He is Guard #2, Lord #2 and Ruffian #2. Acting comes very natural to him, and he did great as the guard! (at practices we've only done the scene that has him as a guard)

ALIISA: I got the part as Gammar, who is the Pauper's mean grandmother who beats him whenever she isn't sleeping! I was shocked to get this role, because when we were auditioning we each read a part, and when I read Gammar it was awful - or so I thought! At first I wasn't too excited about the part, but yesterday at practice we blocked a couple scenes which I was in and it actually was pretty fun!! Although I'm supposed to be physical and mean, so that may be pretty tough!

Here is a line from each of our parts (I'll only do one from when Zack is the guard):

STREET URCHIN: "He was talkin' all kinds o' craziness, tried to bite me!"

GUARD #2: "Enough with this foolish talk, stay back. The Prince is inside, enjoying the merriment."

GAMMAR: "Aye, a bit dippy in his nippy, ey?"


Anonymous said...

Ooo, congrats! I'd love to be in a play!

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys have a lot of fun with the play! A violent part sounds fun, Ali...;) lol!

Anonymous said...

Ali gets the stern, mean physical part?? Something sounds wrong about that!! I mean, how are you ever going to pull off being mean, Ali!?!?! :)
Love You!!

JoyAnn said...

It is exciting to be in a play!
I understand about being put in a rough position. Once I had to be a mean ugly step sister in 'Cinderella', it sure was awkward!
If their is some words you feel uncomfortable with, I am sure the directors will work with you.
God bless you and your family!