Wednesday, June 27, 2007

She's home!!

Mom got home yesterday, around 5:30pm after a very long, HOT drive. Our car doesn't have air conditioning, and yesterday was one of the hottest days we've had in a while! One of her arms is sun burned from sitting in the same spot in the car!

Update on Gramma: She is still doing ok, but now she has pneumonia! When she was first admitted to the hospital on Monday she had fluid in her lungs, so that's what they figure it's from.

I have to run, but I'll hopefully do a longer post (with pictures!) soon.

Thanks again so much for all your prayers!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Quick update

Real quick before bed:

Mom called and said she got up there fine, and Gramma is doing good!! She (Gramma) said she'll see us next week (we're planning a trip up there).

So Mom should be coming home tomorrow, but please keep praying for Gramma's health.

Thanks for your prayers!!

Prayer Request

Please pray for my great-great-Gramma Syria (my Mom's great-Gramma). This morning we got a call saying that she had been taken to the Hospital, and it didn't look good. She's had a bad heart for about 35 years now, and I'm not sure if she had heart attack or what, but it doesn't look like she's going to make it. I guess her kidneys are starting to shut down too. The Dr.s aren't sure if she's got a couple hours, or a couple days, but either way it doesn't look like she's got very long.

Right now Mom is on her way up there (it's about 6 1/2 hours) with a friend. Please pray for safe travels for them, and that they can make it there in time. And for those of us here at home, as we hold down the fort here at the "home front".

I'll give an update as soon as I hear something . . . . . .

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Missin' you like CRAZY!!

As of last Saturday (the 16th) , Zack and Aleks have been up at Grampa and Gramma Klahn's house, and we're missing them real bad here!! Us older kids take turns going up to Grampa and Gramma's house with one of the younger girls (ALEKS - note: I didn't say little!!) for anywhere from 5 to 7 days, and Zack and Aleks are having their turn right now. Needless to say, we can't wait for them to come home!!


Aleks (w/ Elsie)


Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Daddy

My Dad is THE BEST Dad in the whole world (and I'm sure every one of you would not agree, but I thought I'd say it anyway!!). Once my Mom asked me what kind of a guy I wanted to marry, and I said "Someone like Dad". Not necessarily the same personality, but the same character. My Dad is SO selfless - I see it every day, in so many ways. Whether at work or at home, when dealing with us kids or Mom, he is ALWAYS so selfless. I know of so many husbands who don't appreciate their wives - not my Dad. He loves my Mom so much, and we all know it. He is such a great example of what a Godly husband/father/man is.

I hope I marry a man just like my Daddy!!

Playing cribbage

Swingin' with the girls (Anja, Elsie, Grace & Emmy)


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is my baby sister Anja's 1st birthday!! Hard to believe she's already a year old!!

I love this picture!!


Monday, June 4, 2007


After taking his road test for his license for the first time last Thursday, and failing, Isaac re-took his road test today, and PASSED IT!!! Please stop by his blog and congratulate him!!

Sorry Ike, I just couldn't resist posting this picture!! Love you!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Fun, fun, fun!!

Wednesday was a very busy, fun day. Here are some pictures!

First we went to a major-league baseball game with some friends of ours. We watched the Milwaukee Brewers lose 9-3 to the Atlanta Braves.

Mom and Mrs. Seibel

The Dads weren't too thrilled to get their picture taken!

The only boys - Logan, Zack and Ike (l-r)

Cuties - Emmy, Elsie, Aleks, Bethany and Grace

My personal favorite - Me, Lydia, Leah (front), Emily and Amanda

After the Brewers game, Ike, Zack, Aleks and I went to a Plus square dance with one of our favorite callers. It was a BLAST!!!!

"Sides square through 4"
Left-right: Zack, Marissa, Noah, Meghan, Abby, Lincoln, Tara and Matt

"Swing Through"
Left-right: Zack, Tara, Meghan, Noah, Abby, Lincoln, Marissa and Matt

"Sides Pass the Ocean"
Left-right: Aleks (her back, anyways!), Me, Amy and Daniel

Abby, Amanda and I
