Sunday, July 1, 2007

Father's Day

I know this post is late, but better late than never - right?!

On Father's Day we had Dad's side of the family over for the day.

Eating - we grilled out and boy! was it good!

Elsie (2 1/2) and cousin Brodie (1 1/2)

We played "Wiffle Ball" for a while, and it was really fun! (and HOT!)

Anja (1) and Brodie - aren't they cute?! We all think they look like they could be siblings.

Then we went swimming - it felt really really good!!

The "on-lookers" (Zack, Ike, Dad and Grampa)

Uncle Mike and a bunch of kids having fun!

Thanks Aunt Julie for the pictures!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting the pictures, Ali!! They're all so great!!
I'm missing you SO bad!!!
Love Ya!!

Anonymous said...

I like the pictures! It looks like everyone was having tons of fun! (Except that Ike and Zack look really bored in the second-to-last picture! LOL)