Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ok . . . .

I know, I know, it's been a LOOOONG time since I've blogged, but I just put a really long (well, not exactly long, but LOTS of pictures!!) post on our family blog.

Not a whole lot has been going on here. On Friday I got sick, but it was a 1-day thing, so I'm over it now! Except for a little sinus bug that has been hanging on for the past couple weeks.

On Tuesday I started a new babysitting job. It goes through the summer, 2 days a week for about 4 hours a day. I babysit for 3 kids: Liam (6), and Tayte and Tess - twins who are almost 4. They are the cutest things!! I've always wondered what it'd be like to have twins, and now I am kind of able to experience it!

Wednesday night we went to a square dance with a bunch of friends. It was lots of fun, and the caller was really good. There were 2 Plus tips. The second one our square messed up really bad because I had to be a boy (and I had never been a boy before [in Plus]) and my partner had never danced Plus before, so we were pulling her through. We messed up a lot, but it was really fun when we weren't messing up!

On Thursday night square dance lessons started up at the Siegmanns and Emmy is now learning. We are going to be taking turns going, and this week was mine and Ike's turn to stay home. I guess there are a lot of kids learning, which is good! Square dancing is a dying "art", and there are hardly any more kids dancing nowadays. Mainly because it isn't "cool", most kids thinks it's weird. But it ISN'T!! It is soooooo much fun! And hey, who cares if people think it's weird - it doesn't matter what other people think! Okay, I'm done with my rambling now!



Anonymous said...

I wanted to get some of my friends from church to take lessons, but none of them can. :( That makes me sad. :( lol My cousin might come with us to lessons again though, just for fun even though she already knows it. Emmy is so cute!

Iron sharpeneth iron......Prov. 27:17 said...

Babysitting twins sounds really neat!!! :) I've always wanted to have twins someday! When Lydia used to babysit quadruplets, I got to help every once in a while and that was always challenging!!
Missin' You Lots and Lots!!

--aleks k. said...

Ali posted!!

There are a lot of younger kids learning. Kids that are like going to be seven this year. I was seven when i learned how to square dance. Well, I had just terned seven. I think that one of the girls are terning seven this week on Thursday ( but they're whole family is going some were so they aren't going to be able to make it). But it is probably only going to be revue.

Love ya,
P.S.Wow that was a really long comment.

Anonymous said...

Hey Aliisa!

It was fun to see you at the Memorial Day dance tonight! Hopefully I'll see you on Wednesday too! It sounds like you'll be pretty busy this summer... Babysitting is usually fun though...

Are you coming to Square dance lessons on Thursday?

See ya soon!

Anonymous said...

Aleks, are you talking about Elizabeth? Or is there another 7 year old you are talking about? Marie is going to be 7 soon, too! When is Emmy's birthday? See ya later!

Anonymous said...


~AliisaJoy~ said...

Allison, yeah she was talking about Elizabeth! Emmy's birthday is August 30th.

~AliisaJoy~ said...

Hey El!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, ok. So she's not *that* much younger than Elizabeth & Marie. Emmy & Grace are pretty close in age, aren't they?
See ya!

Anonymous said...

What is your song on here called?

~AliisaJoy~ said...

Emmy and Grace are about 20 months apart. Until August, they're 5 and 6!

The song is called "I Will Be Here".