Tuesday, September 12, 2006

July trip

Okay Elizabeth, I'm blogging now! Sorry I've been so negligent. Here are some pictures from our latest trip to Michigan (July):

Uncle Jed with Elsie and Grace

back row: Ike, Zack and Ali
middle row: Aleks, Gramma Jackie holding Anja and Elsie,
Grampa Ken holding Grace and Emmy
front: our cousing, Austin (7 yrs)

Grace being silly!

Mom and Anja
Now, there is a funny story to go with this picture!
We were getting ready to watch a movie, and Mom was
in the recliner with Anja. She was trying to get it to recline,
but wasn't having any success so Zack went over to help her. Aunt Jana
said "don't tip her over" and meanwhile Zack had grabbed the bottom of the chair
and was pulling up on the bottom while Mom was leaning back. Their combined effort
caused the chair to tip over!! We were all laughing SOO hard! Our first thought was "get the camera!"
and we all took pictures.
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1 comment:

Iron sharpeneth iron......Prov. 27:17 said...

Oh-What a HILARIOUS picture of Mrs. Klahn and Anja!!!! Leave it to Zack to dump his Mom and sister on the floor!!!! :) Haha!!!! :) Just kidding!!!
Oh, and great picture of you children too.........:)