Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy 18th Birthday, Aliisa!!

Happy 18th Birthday, Aliisa Joy!!!

About 4 1/2 years ago, I sent a letter to a young lady in Wisconsin whom I'd never met. I saw a add she'd placed in a magazine for a penpal and I thought it sounded like we had a lot in common and were a lot alike--little did I know just how much we were alike!! Two weeks later I received a reply- and we became constant penpals, exchanging 5 or 6 letters a year. Neither of us had any idea that we would become such good friends, or that we would ever meet. For two years we wrote faithfully-then the third year, we exchanged only two letters. But the fourth year the letters flew during the first five months of the year, and by the time July rolled around, we were scheming some way to meet!!! We met after just a little over 4 years of writing.

Our first meeting took place when I spent a week at her house- what a special visit!! We knew each other so well through our long correspondence, but getting to do things together was so fun!! We had a full week- swimming at a friends house, shopping for western shirts, cleaning at the farm, Ali sewing matching skirts, playing games, and of course, talking!! :) There were the square dance lessons, as Ali and her famly patiently tried to teach me to square dance in just 5 days. Then on Saturday, the WI State Square Dance Convention- the two hour drive during the morning as we bruised each-other over yellow cars, then square dancing all day and driving home that night. The next morning getting up early to drive to Des Moines to meet Dad and Mom because I had to go home. Saying goodbye after that wonderful week was so hard!!
Then followed another two months of correspondence before Ali got to come down for a entirely too short, but simply wonderful visit in October. She arrived just as we were in the thick of a football game, and she joined right in, proving that she could certainly hold her own, and even out-do many of us!! Then the next two days at home- playing lots of games of Catch Phrase and more then one game of volleyball. And on Monday, thrift store shopping, where we found all sorts of interesting things, right Ali?? :) And two very late nights talking!!! Then on Tuesday morning came the very sad part of the visit-- saying goodbye!
Then this past October, when the Ansons were in Chicago, and Ali and Ike came and got me for the week-end. Short but sweet, we celebrated Mrs. Klahn's birthday, talked, played games, talked, took Ali's Senior pictures, talked, took their Family Pictures, and talked more!! Then there was the drive back to IL, with another good-bye, this one slightly more bearable because she had the promise of another visit in the near future!!

And then this past week- 8 days, in fact- as Ali flew down to be with us for a week. The week was off to a great start after our hilarious drive back from the airport!! Playing UNO attack at Ansons, where Lydia was voted the winner after she made us smoothies (okay, it did have a little something to do with her actual score too!!) and we laughed over the dictionary. Enjoying days here at home, with games of football and volleyball, because the weather was so nice!! Then on Wednesday, as the snow fell, donning coveralls to go out for a rousing game of 'snow-volleyball'!!! And on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, as we spent Thanksgiving with my Great-Uncle and Aunt, then went on to Parsons to be with my sister Rebecca and her family. The drive back as we played Spades in the bus, in which I had the most points, but in the wrong direction. Sunday with fellowship together, then games of volleyball and football where nearly everyone in the family joined in. When it was too dark to play outside sports we moved to another game of Spades where Ali was the champion (but only by 5 points!!)!!! Then today, her 18th birthday, as we greeted her that morning in traditional Ulmer style!!! Spending the day together, and then that very sad part this evening, as we drove you to the airport for your flight home. And when we thought the trip was over-- it wasn't!! After a 2 1/2 hour delay for her flight, we sat in the airport terminal and played cards again. And then, when the plane really did come in, it brought with it tears and hugs as we had to say good-bye!!

Ali with cute little Jacob.

The Lord has blessed me so much with Aliisa's friendship. From her very first letters I could tell she had a passionate love for the Lord. Ali always encourages me to seek the Lord with my whole heart and stay close to my parents and brothers and sisters. After every letter I receive, and after every phone call, I always walk away feeling encouraged.....inspired......blessed. Ali is always quick to ask if she could pray for me in any way. I treasure the special memories we have together, and look forward to all the ones the Lord will bring in the coming years!!
I miss you already, Ali!!!
I'm so thankful to the Lord for your friendship!!
I Love You!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Today is the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I'm flying down to Kansas to visit my dear friend Elizabeth and her family. I bought my ticket 6 weeks ago, and it's finally here! I'm SOOOO excited! Elizabeth was here in October, but her visit was much too short. [smile] The last (actually, it was the first, too!) time I went to Kansas was last October - it's been waaaay too long!

I made this calendar to help me count down the days!

I'd like to ask you all for prayer, as this is my first time flying and I'm pretty nervous about it!! Although my parents and brothers have reassured me there's nothing to worry about!

So, I'm probably not going to be posting for a while, but once I'm back I'll hopefully have one with lots of pictures!


The answer to the poll is . . . . FOOTBALL!!! Most of you guessed correctly!

Please comment and let me know what you voted for, though I have a pretty good idea who voted what!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Well, they did it! I never thought if they did it, they'd be able to pull it off, but they did. I was absolutely clueless, caught with the "deer in the headlights" look.

Would you like me to explain? A few of you already know, but I won't leave the rest of you hanging in suspense.

On Saturday my family and friends threw me a surprise 18th birthday and graduation party. And boy, was it a surprise! I had absolutely no idea it was coming (which is the point, right?). The funny thing is, just a few days ago I was telling a friend "if my Mom was planning a surprise birthday party, I'd probably know about it". Boy, am I ever eating my words now!

Between 70 and 100 people were there (people were coming and going, so maybe there were more, I'm not sure!) for the party and square dance following, which was another surprise! And was I ever surprised! My favorite square dance caller came and called a square dance along with a friend. I was telling people "that was the ultimate icing on the cake!".

People came from as far as 7 hours just to be at the party for about 4 hours and drive back home! Some people I hadn't seen in over 2 years came! It was such a special time!

It took me basically all of Saturday, yesterday, today, probably the next week to get over what just happened! I mean, this was a big party, and I had absolutely no clue!

Well, that's all for now. I'm going to do a post with a bunch of pictures, and the story behind the surprise as soon as I get a chance. Right now we still have 22 people in the house, most of them are leaving today but we'll have a few leaving tomorrow.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Crazy is . . . .

. . . . having 22 people staying in 1 house for at least 4 days! We even have people sleeping in the basement, which isn't finished and quite cold in the winter!

We have had between 9 and 11 extra people since Sunday, and all (except for maybe 1) of the current 22 people we have here are staying at least till Monday!

So, do you all forgive me for my lack of posting?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ramblin' . . . . .

I guess it's either feast or famine with me - two posts in one day, wow!

I just now realized that today is November 1st - less than two months till the New Year! I don't know about you, but this year has flown by amazingly fast for me. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm getting older and busier.

Anyways, while I was having that "amazing revelation" :smile: I heard one of my favorite songs playing, and realized how fitting the lyrics are.

Only Here for a Little While

I'm gonna hold who needs holdin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Walk what needs walkin'
Though it means an extra mile
Pray what needs prayin'
Say what needs sayin'
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

Today I stood singin' songs and sayin', Amen
Saying goodbye to an old friend who seemed so young
He spent his life workin' hard to chase a dollar
Putting off until tomorrow the things he should have done
Made me stop and think, What's the hurry, why the runnin'?
I don't like what I'm becoming, gonna change my style
Take my time and not take it all for granted
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

Gonna hold who needs holdin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Walk what needs walkin'
Though it means an extra mile
Pray what needs prayin'
Say what needs sayin'
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

Let me love like I'll never see tomorrow
Treat each day as though it's borrowed
Like it's precious as a child
Whoa, take my hand
Let us reach out to each other
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

Gonna hold who needs holdin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Walk what needs walkin'
Though it means an extra mile
Pray what needs prayin'
Say what needs sayin'
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

Gonna hold who needs holdin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Walk what needs walkin'
Though it means an extra mile
Pray what needs prayin'
Say what needs sayin'
'Cause we're only here for a little while...

A gentle reminder to never take advantage of the time we have here on this earth, because who knows how much longer we'll be here.

Really . . . . .

The other night while watching the Packer game an anonymous family member was heard saying "the suspension is killing me!". Right!