Mr. Somebody
Mr. Somebody
Yes, that's me.
You know, I am the one that Everyone
calls in need of assistance or
Someone blames when in trouble.
I hear it a lot, don't you?
"Somebody tie my shoes!"
"Can Somebody feed the dog?"
What's that?
You say you have not seen me before?
I don't see how you could not, but that's
what Everyone says.
So, I am used to it.
Of course, if a person calls for me
Someone gets there before I do.
I do not know why but that is the way it happens.
Well, now that you know me, let me introduce you
to some of my friends.
Someone, No-one, Everyone,
Nobody, Anyone and me Somebody.
It gets confusing here at times,
like when I ask
Everyone if Someone
cleaned the kitchen.
They just said No-One did it,
So somehow it did get done.
Right now though, I need to see if
Anyone fed the dog.
-Mr. SomebodyI'm sure most of you big sisters can relate to this!
Written by JoyAnn Pankratz, printed with permission