Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Well, we're home! I was hoping to post before this, but I didn't get the chance. I'm just dying to put pictures on here, but we're not sure where the camera is! (well, we know it's in the van, we just aren't sure exactly where it is).

Last Monday everyone (except Ike and I) left around 8am. After they left I brought Ike to work, and then did some cleaning here. Before I went to piano lessons I went to Wal-Mart to get some material for bloomers and a skirt I can swim in. After paino lessons, I stayed at my teacher's house and hung out with her younger sister, Alisha. I left there at 3pm to pick up Ike from work. Then we went to the Siegmanns. Noah, Dana, Ike and I milked, and Libby, Manda, Linc and Jed fed calves. Then all of us except for Manda had a water fight in the milking parlor. They have 12 hoses in the parlor, and 6 are cold water. We also used buckets and filled them up in the cow tank. We were at it for over an hour!! It was soooo much fun! It felt soo good too, because that day it was 95+ degrees out! I brought Ike back to work around 8pm. After I got home I finished packing and did some sewing. I stopped around midnight.

On Tuesday after I brought Ike to work I finished sewing and packing. We finally left a little after 10am. The trip took about 6 1/2 hours. It was very looooong. We brought along the cd player, but it wasn't working. Dad left about 15 minutes after we got there. Ike and I were able to ride the jet skis that night yet. They are sooo much fun!

That whole week we visited with family and did a lot of swimming.

On Saturday we left and met Dad at Bay Beach, an amusement park in Green Bay. His 20th High School reunion was that day. We had to wait in line a while for the rides, but they were really fun! We rode the bumper cars twice, and the scrambler once. I'm not sure which was the best, they were both neat! We finally got home around 8:30pm.

On Sunday I babysat from 11am-7pm. We played a lot of games 'n' stuff. It was fun!

This Friday all of us except Dad and Ike are going to lower Michigan for a family reunion. We'll leave here early (we're hoping 4am so we can miss the traffic in Chicago) and coming back late Saturday night.

And, what I'm most excited about, Monday or Tuesday my very dear friend and pen-pal Elizabeth is coming!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooooooo excited! I CAN'T wait!!

Well, gotta run.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

First one!!

Well, here's my first post on blogger! I have a blog on a different website, but it's really hard to put pictures up on it, so I thought I'd give blogger.com a try! My first posts will probably be pretty sporatic, as we are going out of town on Tuesday. But I'll do my best!

This picture is of the cutest baby in the WORLD!! (from my pointof view, anyways! It is my littlest sister, Anja, at 4 1/2 weeks old. Hard to believe so much time has gone by already since she was born!!

Like I mentioned above, we're going out of town this week. Actually, Mom, Dad and the 6 youngest kids are leaving early tomorrow morning and going up to Northern Michigan to where our great-Grandparents have a camp on a lake (about 7 hours away). Ike and I are staying behind because I have piano lessons on Monday, and Ike is going to work Monday morning and evening, and Tuesday morning for Dad. Then Ike and I are going up North on Tuesday after he's done with work in the morning. Then Dad will take the car and come back home Tuesday night. The rest of us are staying up there until Saturday morning, when we'll be leaving early and meeting Dad in Green Bay. His 20th class reunion is going to be held at an amusement park, so we'll be meeting him there.

So today we'll be busy packing. The boys, Aleks and I have plus lessons (a harder level of square dancing than we already know) for 2 hours, so we'll be busy today!! It is really hot, too. It's 90 degrees right now, and it's supposed to get to 95 or 100!! We have a window air-conditioner in the living room, and we shut the doors so it's blocked off from the rest of the house and stays nice and cool in here! We'll probably be in here as much as possible.

Well, that's all for now! I may have time to post a little tomorrow, but don't count on it!

God Bless,